Interview Charles Williams Jr. Director of ICTC
Charles Williams Jr. has served as ICTC camp director since the beginning of the organization in 2010. He is currently a director at the Ginn Academy, and he has shown high leadership and mentoring skills with students of all ages.

With an extensive coaching and educational background, Charles share with us his story and his views on Cleveland's youth, ICTC's future, and his goals and legacy to leave to our children.
Juan (J): Tell me a little about yourself and your background?
Charles (C): I was born and raised in East Cleveland. I attended the University of Toledo with a Major in Communications and PR. After graduation, I had different positions working with children since my mom had a similar job in that field.
I always worked with minorities youth helping them get jobs and later on I got into athletics, still coaching youth and I got more involved with children with dysfunctional behavior. I worked as well in a detention center mentoring kids. All these lead me to my current position at Gin Academy eith years ago.
J: What is your roll at Ginn Academy?
C: I am a Counselor/ Mentor/ Life Coach in and out of school. This position helped me learn how to approach kids from different backgrounds; every kids has a different type of parenting. These are high risk communities.
Communications and technology is an important factor since children can send bad information with the touch of a bottom.
J: What does ICTC mean to you?
C: ICTC is an opportunity to make an impact in younger generations. We build a report on learning; physical and mental learning. At ICTC I get involved mentoring and supporting kids in a mentally and physical environment; they need to exercise to fill their brains. It gives them freedom.
This is not a job, it is a CALLING.
J: What is your secret to reach kids?
C: I don't think it is a secret. It is Patience, Humility, and LOVE.
J: What is your goal for ICTC?
C: I want ICTC to not only be community wide, but city wide and later on reach state wide. I believe this organization can make a great impact on different communities throughout the country.